Press Kit

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Product Video

Product Name: Keap Athletic Shorts

Quick Product Pitch: Have you ever been wearing athletic shorts and then sat down and all your stuff falls out of your pockets to the floor, into the couch or down the crack of your car seat? If that’s ever happened to you- you should invest in some Keap Athletic shorts.

Price: $29.00 (Free Shipping in US)

Customer Testimonials

  • “About damn time someone realizes this and addresses it! Good for you guys! Happens all the time with my cell phone and my business card holders as well when I'm wearing my dress pants. I'll get in my car with a client on the way to show the house and all my change and my phone will fall out between my seat and center console... Mind you, I need my phone for my GPS to drive to the houses on our showing tours. Drives me crazy!”
  • “Man...always happens to me. These are the shorts I’ve been waiting for!!”
  • “It seems so obvious, I've lost my wallet this way.. I NEED THIS”

Company Description: We created Keap Athletics because we were tired of sitting down and having our stuff fall to the floor, into the couch, or down the crack of our car seat. When we put something in our pocket, it should stay there. After several prototypes we finally found the perfect combination of convenience, comfort and security. Keap Athletic shorts are perfect for a work out, running errands in, as well as when you want to relax. 





Product Photo



Additional Details 

Link to Shorts:

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High Quality Photos and Logos:


Potential Article Angles

  • Amazing Products that help you keep your life together
  • Great items for the perfect errand running outfit.
  • Items you need for your next adventure:
  • Travel Essentials: Shorts that you can’t get pick-pocketed while wearing.
  • The shorts you need for the next Music Festival you go to.
  • The shorts you need for a lazy saturday.